O Fala, Atleticano é um canal de manifestação da torcida do Atlético. Os textos abaixo publicados foram escritos por torcedores rubro-negros e não representam necessariamente a opinião dos responsáveis pelo site. Os autores se responsabilizam pelos textos por eles assinados. Para colaborar com um texto, clique aqui e siga as instruções. Confira abaixo os textos dos torcedores rubro-negros:
11 set 2002 - 19h01

Um fanático canadense

Sou torcedor do Atlético, um Fanatico Canadense, e não falo Português muito
bem. Continuarei em ingleis.

Thank you for the excellent web site. I visit it almost every day, now
that Atlético is fighting for the Brasileirão again.

My family moved to Winnipeg, Canada from Curitiba in 1973 and I lost contact
with my team. We do not get much news of Brazilian futebol here in Canada,
and when we do get some information, it is only about the “big” teams like
Fla or Flu. So when I found furacão.com two years ago, I was very happy.
It was like being re-united with a good friend. And last year, because of
Fox Sports World, I was able to watch the rubro-negro on TV.

It was also good to watch the World Cup this year because an Atleticano
(Kleberson) made such a positive contribution to the seleção. He was very
unlucky that his shot hit the “trave” at the end of the first half in the
final. I also noticed the banner for Os Fanaticos at a few of the matches.
It has been a very good year to be um torcedor do Atlético.

Thank you for providing me (who lives far away from Curitiba and the
Baixada) with good information and pictures. Muito obrigado.

Atlético até a morte,

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